How to optimize email marketing with effective UX design


Is email marketing on the verge of extinction? Ask an average consumer, and you might be shocked at the answer. In fact, mail providers are becoming increasingly efficient at tucking away advertising emails. Does this mean the era of email marketing is over? Definitely not.

The UX perspective for E-commerce: key learning points for an online store

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Trade changes society. The way consumers trade goods has a huge impact on our daily lives. It largely determines what we want, where we look for it and how we make choices to buy something. Digital platforms and web shops have become an integral part of our lives. E-commerce is the future of shopping.

Why a landing page should include your most important offer

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Just what is the best way to convert leads to customers? We’ve stressed before how important conversion optimization is. This is what UX design is all about. The digital environment should be as attractive as possible. For leads to convert to customers, we need to start at the beginning. And that’s the landing page.

How to maximize your UX with a Customer Journey Map

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What is the single most important tool for a UX designer? It is not a computer, a software program, nor is it Photoshop. Without this tool, a UX designer gets nowhere. The process cannot even get started. We’re talking about the Customer Journey Map.

Graphic and product design with UX: grabbing attention within a second

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How long do you have to make a good first impression? In English, it rolls off the tongue nicely: “First impressions matter.” That’s certainly true. This makes it a matter of milliseconds in which a person makes a decision. Do I like you, or not? Thus, we judge fellow human beings in particular, but also products.

How web design is the basis of User Interface (UI)

4. Dribbble Your Own Leader Case study

The design of a website is crucial to your company’s sales. The website is your brand’s calling card and often has an important purpose: to generate leads. As many visitors as possible should eventually become a customer. That is the main purpose of many websites.