Runners4Life, originally known as a local franchise of Runnersworld in Amersfoort, took a bold step during the COVID-19 pandemic by pursuing complete independence. With no visibility or marketing in play, Runners4Life faced the challenge of being built from the ground up. sover took on the challenge of giving Runners4Life a new digital identity and launching them into the age of online commerce with an innovative twist.


Beyond the starting line: from traditional store to digital forerunner

When Runners4Life transitioned from a well-known franchise to an independent running retailer, it faced a huge challenge: creating a new digital identity and establishing an online presence from scratch. At the heart of this transformation was the need to provide a unique, interactive online experience that equaled the personal and professional service they were known for in their physical store. With the limitations of COVID-19 and the temporary closure of physical locations, Runners4Life had to innovate quickly to continue to serve their customers and find new ways to make their extensive range of running products and their specialized shoe consulting services accessible. The biggest stumbling block was replicating their customized shoe advice – normally a highly personalized service that uses advanced in-store video gait analysis – and adapting it for an online platform without sacrificing the quality and precision of the advice. This challenge was compounded by the fact that many of their customers were used to the high-quality, personal interaction in-store and might be reluctant to switch to a digital format. Runners4Life faced the task of not only convincing these customers of the effectiveness of online shopping and consulting, but also developing a system that digitally expressed their brand’s core values – expertise, community and passion for running.

Een screenshot van de homepage van de "runnerslife" website met een banner met de nederlandse tekst "even opnieuw met elkaar kennismaken." op de pagina worden menutabbladen, promotionele schoenafbeeldingen en een gebouwachtergrond weergegeven.


Taking a leap forward with digital innovation

Runners4Life’ s digital transformation was skillfully orchestrated by dusver, who developed a sophisticated online strategy to seamlessly translate Runners4Life’ s unique services and product offerings into the digital realm. At the heart of this strategy was the development of a new, customized website and web shop, complete with an innovative online booking system. This system allowed customers to upload videos of their running patterns, after which the expert team at Runners4Life could provide personalized shoe advice remotely. This digital solution simulated the in-store experience of a running analysis and allowed customers to find the perfect running shoes even during lockdowns.

To complement this digital experience, the website’s UI/UX was designed to guide the user through an intuitive and interactive journey, from initial visit to final purchase. Deep API integrations ensured a smooth transition of online interactions to the CRM system, allowing the Runners4Life team to respond efficiently to customer needs and preferences.

This comprehensive digital approach not only resulted in increased reach and availability for Runners4Life during the pandemic, but also increased customer engagement and satisfaction. By offering a unique service that bridged the physical and digital worlds, Runners4Life succeeded in building a strong online community. Customers appreciated the opportunity to receive expert advice from the comfort of their own homes, leading to a significant increase in online bookings and sales. The innovative approach dusver strengthened Runners4Life’ s position as a progressive player in the running community, and proved once again the power of digital innovation in overcoming traditional business challenges.

Een screenshot van een website voor 'lifepoints' met gemarkeerde functies, waaronder een banner van een bakstenen gebouw, een navigatiemenu, afbeeldingen van mensen die betrokken zijn bij hardlopen en interactie, productaccessoires en diensten zoals loopanalyse en groepslopen.

The project in

Runners4Life ‘s digital renaissance has produced significant results, with a measurable impact on their operations and customer retention. The implementation of the online store and video analytics booking system, combined with effective SEO and marketing strategies, led to impressive growth in all key metrics.


Over the past 30 days, Runners4Life has seen impressive growth in their online visibility, with a total of 1.58K clicks and an expanded reach of 28.4K impressions. This increase illustrates the strengthened online presence of the brand and the effectiveness of the SEO strategies implemented.


Click-through rate (CTR).

The average Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 5.5% highlights how attractive and relevant users find Runners4Life’ s search result listings, indicating a strong alignment of keywords and meta-data with user intentions.


Search Position

With an average ranking of 19.7 in search results, this statistic attests to the continuous improvement and potential for even higher rankings, underscoring the importance of continuous optimization and content innovation.


Appointment bookings

The gait analysis pages showed strong user intent with significant time spent on the pages (over 1 minute on average) and a high engagement rate of 94.5%, underscoring the successful integration of the online gait analysis booking tool.


Strong organic growth

Since starting its online efforts, Runners4Life has experienced remarkable organic growth with more than 8.09K total clicks and nearly 159K impressions in search engines. This illustrates the powerful presence and visibility the brand has built in the digital space.


User interaction

Device usage analysis shows that mobile devices are driving website interactions, with more than 5.38K clicks, highlighting the need for a mobile-optimized experience and its successful implementation by Runners4Life.


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Een glimlachende blanke man met kort blond haar en een ronde bril, draagt een zwarte coltrui en bespreekt Webdesign Oplossingen. De achtergrond is wazig en de nadruk ligt op zijn vrolijke uitdrukking in een

Sebastian Smeenk

Business developer

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Discover the highlights of our technological craftsmanship: powerful projects with demonstrable results. At dusver, we bring innovation to life – not only do we put brands on the map, we increase their digital influence by significant numbers. Our portfolio speaks for itself: from explosive growth in visitor numbers to impressive conversion through targeted campaigns. With smart strategies and cutting-edge technologies, we achieve ambitious goals. Experience the power of dusver: where every click counts and every strategy reaps success.

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